Movies, Television shows, Fan Theories, and Reviews, If it's really good or really, really BAD, Then frankly, were gonna talk. Keep checking in on Frankly Freddie for the latest and craziest.
It's A Great Time To Be A Nerd!
SPІDЕR-MАN HOMECOMІNG Official Trailer # 2 (2017) Tom Holland, Robert Do...
Now this looks like the Spiderman we know and love. Throw in a lil RDJ and you got one hell of a recipe. One of the best lines we have heard in a while "if your nothing without the suit then you shouldn't have it!" God that was good! Who else is ready for #Hollandspider .
It's starting to look like the best time ever to be a nerd! You got a badass spidey movie, Justice league looks awesome, And we just had logan. Which was amazing! Great time to be a nerd!
It's starting to look like the best time ever to be a nerd! You got a badass spidey movie, Justice league looks awesome, And we just had logan. Which was amazing! Great time to be a nerd!