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Monday, January 18, 2016

Top 5 to Blame if Batman V Superman SUCKS!

 Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice is now one of the hottest topics that you can bring up in a convo. And frankly, I really want to know who I can blame if this big deal turns out to be no deal. (Which I very much hope it does not). Or who to praise if B.V.S finds it's way into bad ass film history. (Which I very much hope it does). So here is the top five people to blame if B.V.S falls flat on it's face.

Ben  Affleck
As Batman/Bruce Wayne

 Our good old friend DareDevil finds his way into a batsuit. But to Ben's credit, In my opinion he has grown as a actor since his role as Matt Murdock of hell's kitchen. In fact he has grown as a actor, director, producer, etc.... Ben has since gave us excellent films such as The Town and Gone Baby Gone. Just to name a couple. I hope we get to see how mature and sincere Ben Affleck has become as a actor. And he puts his all into the Bruce Wayne/Batman character that we will get in this rendering. Batman is definitely a new animal in this go round. Which puts allot of this film's weight on Ben Affleck to deliver a believable and interesting portrayal of the Bat. Good luck Ben, I hope you pull it off.

Gal Gadot
As Wonder Women/Princess Diana

 Providing the role of Wonder Women is none other than our very own Fast and Furious star Gal Gadot. Although most of the F&F films were well received, i didn't watch those films and say "wow that chick would make a perfect Wonder Women". So maybe Zach Snyder and friends see something most fans DO NOT! I know, I know, Heath Ledger was not a fan favorite when he was cast and he did amazing. So that could happen here. But there is allot working against Gal in this situation. In most's opinion Gal Gadot does not look, sound, and or give the feeling of a almighty amazon, Wonder Women. And I agree. When I got my first glimpse at Gal sporting her new W.W. threads, I didn't get the same feeling as when I saw the new Bat or even the new Aquaman. And I only seen him in a photo.

Henry Cavill
As Clark Kent/SuperMan

 Now some or even most may disagree but Man Of Steel kicked ass. So with some luck, Cavill can keep the character interesting and realistic. (Still....those glasses aint fooling nobody man!). This incarnation of Superman is a young one. He is not Mr. "save everyone and rarely ever make a mistake" Superman. He is still learning his own powers. We have yet to see the ice breath, if they even use it. And I think Cavill did a great job of delivering a off balance performance. Like he, as well as the audience had no idea what was coming next. Now in B.V.S I'm hoping he is a little bit more grounded and decisive. Hopefully he is grasping a better idea of what he is supposed to become. Yes Cavill is bound by the story  as to what Superman chooses to do, but it's up to Cavill to keep us intrigued and caring about what happens to the character next. That's why he is #3 on the list.

David S. Goyer/Chris Terrio
As Writers Of B.V.S

 David S. Goyer and Chris Terrio are the architect's of the choices of our characters in this ground breaking film. So Allot of the shade will cover them if the story decisions SUCK. And honestly there has already been a very dumb choice made if you ask most fans. Most likely not the choices of the writers, but why the hell would you choose to put Doomsday in a damn trailer if he is the big bad of the film. I'm so tired of the film trailers reveling way too damn much of the movie. Anyway, David S. Goyer is a serious player in terms of great stories. He is responsible for some of my favorites such as the Blade trilogy and Christopher Nolan's Batman. He even had a hand in writing COD Black ops one and two. (But we wont hold all of black ops 2 against him). So Goyer seems to have the chops to deliver a interesting story. While Chris Terrio wrote the screenplay for the 2012 hit Argo that was directed by Ben Affleck. As well as directed the feature film Heights. Hopefully the two together can deliver something gripping as well as action packed. While still making sense and leaving us wanting more of the DC Universe.

Zach Snyder
As The Director

 I hope I have Snyder on here so everyone can thank him for a awesome, wild ride. with a new and interesting Batman and Superman. Buuuuuuuuuttttt, If BVS sucks, It's mainly his damn fault! Zach pushed the boundaries with MOS and turned allot of hardcore fans away. Saying Snyder made a Micheal Bay version of Superman. I personally loved MOS and loved the destruction and power we finally got to see Superman wield. But i think if Snyder simply makes this a destruction movie with a bunch of cliches and "Buddy Cop" movie moments. He can ruin the the new DC Cinematic Universe.He needs to fill the movie with fresh, interesting moments between Bats and Sups that we have not seen before. And sprinkle in a few we have. Of course you make the fight epic. And they need to spend a good chunk on the Batman/Superman fight. Not a two min heavy scrap and then jump to Doomsday. I hope the two fights are rather equal in length.(Both long). Also It would be refreshing if there was something new done when introducing the other characters on the roster. Frankly, I am hoping for a history maker with this one. Cmon ZACK!

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